2023 Central Michigan PRSA Board
President: Lisa Biering
President-Elect: Jen Anderson
Secretary: Helen Korneffel
Past President: Ally Caldwell
Treasurer: Kim Frederickson
IDEA Champion: Andrea Bitely
Assembly Delegate: Andy Corner, APR, PRSA Fellow
2023 Central Michigan PRSA Director’s At-Large
Dustin Earley
Hannah Lupi
Bre Moore
Sophie Gamble
Josh Pugh
Shelley Davis Boyd
Kim Frederickson
2023 Committees and Committee Chairs
Accreditation Co-Chairs: Amy Adamy, APR and Angela Minicuci, APR
East Central District Chair: VACANT
Membership Chair: Kirsten Simmons
PACE Awards Chair: Hannah Lupi
New Professionals Chair: Haley Jones
Nominations Chair: Ally Caldwell
Programming Chair: Dustin Earley
Sponsorship Chair: VACANT
PRSSA Professional Adviser: Rachel Esterline Perkins
PRSSA Professional Adviser: Helen Korneffel
MSU PRSSA Faculty Advisor: Tiffany Wahl
2022 Central Michigan PRSA Board
President: Ally Caldwell
President-Elect: Lisa Biering
Secretary: Jen Anderson
Past President: Jessica Tramontana, APR
Treasurer: Justin Rumenapp
Assembly Delegate: Monica Ackerson, APR
2022 Central Michigan PRSA Director’s At-Large
Camara Lewis
Rachel Esterline Perkins
Penny Sephar
Dustin Earley
Hannah Lupi
Cassie Cotton
Bre Moore
Sophie Gamble
Ashley Sanborn
2022 Committees and Committee Chairs
Accreditation Co-Chairs: Jessi Wortley Adler, APR and Angela Minicuci, APR
Communications Co-Chairs: Helen Korneffel and Bre Moore
East Central District Chair: Greg Rokisky
Membership Chair: Ashley Sanborn
PACE Awards Chair: Hannah Lupi
New Professionals Chair: Haley Jones
Nominations Chair: Jessica Tramontana, APR
Programming Chair: Nikki O’Meara
Sponsorship Chair: VACANT
PRSSA Professional Adviser: Rachel Esterline Perkins
PRSSA Professional Adviser: Helen Korneffel
MSU PRSSA Faculty Advisor: Tiffany Wahl
2021 Central Michigan PRSA Board
President: Jessica Tramontana, APR
President-Elect/Secretary: Ally Caldwell
Past President: Greg Rokisky
Treasurer: Lisa Biering
IDEA Champion: Camara Lewis
Assembly Delegate: Monica Ackerson, APR
2021 Central Michigan PRSA Director’s At-Large
Katherine Japinga
Laura Hall
Kirstyn Shiner
Camara Lewis
Rachel Esterline Perkins
Danielle Deneau
Dustin Earley
Alicia Pilmore
Cassie Cotton
2021 Committees and Committee Chairs
Accreditation Chair: Jessi Wortley Adler, APR
Communications Chair: Helen Korneffel
East Central District Chair: Monica Ackerson, APR
Membership Chair: Kirstyn Shiner
PACE Awards Chair: Hannah Lupi
PACE Awards Vice-Chair: Ally Caldwell
New Professionals Chair: Haley Jones
Nominations Chair: Greg Rokisky
Programming Chair: Alicia Pilmore
Sponsorship Chair: Lisa Biering
PRSSA Professional Adviser: Rachel Esterline Perkins
PRSSA Professional Adviser: VACANT
MSU PRSSA Faculty Advisor: Rose Tantraphol, APR
2020 Central Michigan PRSA Board
President: Greg Rokisky
President-Elect: Jessica Tramontana, APR
Past President: Andrew Belanger
Secretary: TJ Bucholz
Treasurer: Lisa Biering
Assistant Treasurer: Katherine Japinga
Assembly Delegate: Monica Ackerson, APR
2020 Central Michigan PRSA Director’s At-Large
Dustin Earley
Ally Caldwell
Melody Kindraka/Cassie Cotton *Kindraka stepped down mid-year. Cotton appointed as replacement.
Katherine Japinga
Laura Hall
Kirstyn Shiner
Camara Lewis
Sarah-Grace Battles
Danielle Deneau
2020 Committees and Committee Chairs
Accreditation Chair: Jessi Wortley Adler, APR
Communications Chair: Dustin Early and Sarah-Grace Battles
Inclusion, Diversity, Ethics, and Advocacy (IDEA) Chair: Camara Lewis
East Central District Chair: Monica Ackerson, APR
Membership Chair: Kirstyn Shiner
PACE Awards Chair: Ally Caldwell
PACE Awards Vice-Chair:
PRSSA Professional Adviser: Cassie Cotton
PRSSA Professional Adviser: Lorri Rishar
MSU PRSSA Faculty Advisor: Alexandrea Thrubis Stanley
New Pros Chair: Haley Jones
Nominations Chair: Andrew Belanger
Programming Chair: Laura Hall
Sponsorship Chair: TJ Bucholz
2019 Central Michigan PRSA Board
President: Andrew Belanger
President-Elect: Greg Rokisky
Past President: Eric Dimoff
Secretary: Jessica Tramontana
Treasurer: Jessi Wortley Adler, APR
Assistant Treasurer: Katherine Japinga
Assembly Delegate: Anne Readett, APR
2019 Central Michigan PRSA Director’s At-Large
Camara Lewis
Emily Stack Davis
John Tramontana/Sarah-Grace Battles. *Tramontana stepped down in Oct. and Battles was approved in Nov.
Dustin Earley
Ally Caldwell
Ruthanne Sudderth
Katherine Japinga
Laura Hall
Kirstyn Shiner
2019 Committees and Committee Chairs
Accreditation Chair: Anne Readett, APR
Communications Chair: Ruthanne Sudderth and Greg Rokisky
Inclusion, Diversity, Ethics, and Advocacy (IDEA) Chair: Camara Lewis
East Central District Chair: Monica Ackerson, APR
Membership Chair: Kirstyn Shiner
PACE Awards Chair: Ally Caldwell
PACE Awards Vice-Chair: Greg Rokisky
PRSSA Professional Adviser: Cassie Cotton
PRSSA Professional Adviser: Amber Shinn/Lorri Rishar. *Shinn stepped down in March. Rishar appointed in May.
MSU PRSSA Faculty Advisor: John Besley/Alexandrea Thrubis Stanley
New Pros Chair: Kirstyn Shiner
New Pros Vice-Chair: Emily Mata
Nominations Chair: Eric Dimoff
Programming Chair: Laura Hall
Sponsorship Chair: TJ Bucholz
2018 Central Michigan PRSA Board
President: Eric Dimoff
President-Elect: Andrew Belanger
Past President: Phil Lewis
Secretary: Greg Rokisky
Treasurer: Kirstyn Shiner
Assistant Treasurer: Katherine Japinga
Assembly Delegate: Anne Readett, APR
2018 Central Michigan PRSA Director’s At-Large
Katherine Japinga
Danielle Lenz
Greg Rokisky
Jessica Tramontana, APR
Camara Lewis
Christina Strong
John Tramontana
Dustin Earley
Kristine Richmond
Ruthanne Sudderth
2018 Committees and Committee Chairs
Accreditation Chair: Anne Readett, APR
Communications Chair: Christina Strong
East Central District Chair: Monica Ackerson Ware, APR
IDEA Committee Chair: Camara Lewis
New Pros Chair: Emily Mata
New Pros Vice-Chair: Ally Caldwell
Nominations Chair: Phil Lewis
Membership Chair: Andrew Belanger
PACE Awards Chair: Ally Caldwell
PACE Awards Co-Chair: Greg Rokisky
MSU PRSSA Advisor: Jessica Tramontana, APR
MSU PRSSA Advisor: N/A
MSU PRSSA Faculty Advisor: John Besley
Programming Chair: Laura Hall
Sponsorship Chair: Angela Minicuci
2017 Central Michigan PRSA Board
President: Phil Lewis
Vice President: Eric Dimoff
Past President: Angela Minicuci
Secretary: Andrew Belanger
Treasurer: Monica Ackerson Ware, APR
Assistant Treasurer: Kirstyn Shiner
Assembly Delegate: Anne Readett
2017 Central Michigan PRSA Director’s At-Large
Andrew Belanger
Dustin Earley
Katherine Japinga
Danielle Lenz
Camara Lewis
Greg Rokisky
Christina Strong
Jessica Tramontana
John Tramontana
2017 Committees and Committee Chairs
Accreditation Chair: Anne Readett, APR
Communications Chair: Danielle Lenz
East Central District Chair: Monica Ackerson Ware, APR
IDEA Committee Chair: Camara Lewis
New Professionals Chair: Ally Caldwell
Membership Chair: Herasanna Richards/Andrew Belanger
PACE Awards Chair: Greg Rokisky
MSU PRSSA Advisor: Katherine Japinga
MSU PRSSA Advisor: Jessica Tramontana
Programming Chair: Andrew Belanger
Sponsorship Chair: Angela Minicuci
2016 Central Michigan PRSA Board
President: Angela Minicuci
Vice President: Phil Lewis
Past President: Denise Donohue, APR
Secretary: Eric Dimoff
Treasurer: Monica Ackerson Ware, APR
Assistant Treasurer: Colleen Steinman
Assembly Delegate: Kate Snyder, APR
Administrator: Nancy Brown
2016 Central Michigan PRSA Director’s At-Large
Katherine Japinga
Andrew Belanger
Lindsay Dow
Danielle Lenz
Andrea Poole
Anne Readett
Greg Rokisky
Jessica Tramontana
2016 Committees and Committee Chairs
Accreditation Chair: Anne Readett, APR
Communications Chair: Andrea Poole
East Central District Chair: Monica Ackerson Ware
New Professionals Chair: Greg Rokisky
Membership Chair: Jessica Tramontana
PACE Awards Chair: Greg Rokisky
MSU PRSSA Advisor: Katherine Japinga
MSU PRSSA Advisor: Laura Biehl
Programming Chair: Andrew Belanger
Programming Chair: Denise Donohue
2015 Central Michigan PRSA Board
President: Denise Donohue
President-Elect: Angela Minicuci
Past-President: Monica Ware
Secretary: Phil Lewis
Treasurer: Brian Barthelmes
Assembly Delegate: Kate Snyder
2015 Central Michigan PRSA Director’s At-Large
Eric Dimoff
Lindsay Dow
Jennifer Quimby Holton
Danielle Lenz
Andrea Ness
Tracy Padot
Colleen Steinman
Andrew Belanger
Andie Poole
2015 Committees and Committee Chairs
Accreditation Chair: Anne Readett
Communications Chair: Andrea Poole
Ethics & Advocacy Chair: Daniele Lenz
Executive Counselor Chair: Tracy Padot
Membership Chair: Jessica Tramontana
PACE Awards Chair: Greg Rokisky & Mackenzie Mohr
Programming Chair: Lindsay Dow